Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stephen Sprouse founder of Sophisticated Punk

I have a thing for bright acid (or fluoro) colours lately and have had for some time. I always wondered about this phase and how it came about. I remember loving the bright acid colours on my Mickey Mouse dress/t-shirt when I was eight. (I know)  Stephen Sprouse, the American fashion designer is supposed to be the pioneering artist behind the early 1980's revolutionary idea of mixing uptown sophistication in clothing with a downtown punk and pop sensibility. In 1999/2000 he designed a range (above) with Marc Jacobs for Louis Vuitton and in 2009 was the inspiration behind the range again. (Stephen Sprouse died in 1994 from lung cancer)

All these bright colours I have been seeing in all the fashion mags made me think of my trip to Spotlight last year in September. I held up a roll of acid green spotted tulle to my friend and proceeded to tell her that I was loving it. She told me to immediately put it down and walk away. I did but only to return and buy it and others the next day. The pink taffeta ribbon was for my animal print shoes to keep them on my feet because they were a bit big. Click her to refresh your memory.

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