SoniaM Designs

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Run! Don't Walk!!!

I have been waiting for a week since my Aldi Catalogue arrived in the Mail. I even programmed it into my phone! Think cashmere/silk blend sweaters, cashmere scarves and wool and suede bootie/slippers for winter.  I had to go to the children's Mother's Day Mass at 9am so I was chomping at the bit to get out of there to grab myself these amazing items at even more amazing prices!!!

So here we have the black cashmere/silk sweater. Unfortunately for everyone else in the Toombul area, I bought the last sweater that happened to be a size 12 (I would size up as small make,plus you don't want too fitted) How lucky was that it was in my size? $39.99!!! I paid way more than that for my Equipment Peach Cashmere Sweater and I would say they are almost identical. Peeking through the sweater you can see my new Equipment silk Adrianna top from Another Love. It was half price plus an extra 10% off!! $139!!!! Another bargain.

 Below is the Cashmere scarf. Just beautiful!! Not too thick it is a fantastic scarf. So soft and beautiful and love the grey!!! There were 6 black left and 4 grey. If anyone interested. $29.99

 And these are my Mother's Day present gift from my children to me. I will get my husband to wrap them up for them so they don't know I already know!! Suede outside and wool inside!! $19.99.

There were a few pairs of these in most sizes in the biege and pink.

Like I said everyone, Run!!! Don't Walk!! And thank me later :-)

Cheers SoniaM

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