Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Styling 101 - Week 3 - Organising

I love this part. I love to re-arrange my wardrobe every 6 months and hang little outfits up and accessories. It feels like a little boutique. And that is how it should for you as well. You should want to shop your wardrobe, so fill it with only the things you LOVE! Before you can go shopping you need to know what is in your wardrobe and then you can fill the gaps.

To organise firstly fold everything that should be folded. These items are t-shirts, knits and jeans. This will make some space for you. Dresses, jackets, coats, skirts and pants should hang.

Secondly change all your hangers over to the felt hangers. Watch your space double instantly! Buy the hangers either from Howards Storage space or Lincraft. They are cheaper at Lincraft from memory 12 for $7 approximately.

Thirdly, to store the clothes you are keeping but not wearing and any other clothes not appropriate for the season, put in the lovely storage boxes you can get pretty much anywhere. Be sure to put mothballs in there so silverfish don't get in.

If you have room underneath your hanging space add a shoe rack there to store some shoes or small boxes. If you have the space to hang scarves go for it but I think they can look a little messy and like to fold mine and store in canvas dividers from Ikea in the drawers with my belts rolled up. I wear belts pretty much every day so I constantly go to the drawers and know what I have at all times and they are not forgotten.

Also just because you are creating more space doesn't mean you need to fill it up full again. You want a neat, well edited looking wardrobe not an overstuffed one that looks messy.

Try and colour co-ordinate as much as you can and group according to length.

 Belts and scarves in dividers from Ikea

 Knits folded and clutches visible

As you can see I have room for more bags!!! 

Jeans are folded and colour co-ordinated.

These are dresses colour co-ordintated and coats at the back. I rotate my coats on display in winter.

Pants and skirts folded over and hung on wooden hangers so as not to leave any marks. Always hang from the waistband.
Skirts folded over and hung. You can use skirt hangers if you like and hang two or three skirts to save some space.

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