I think it is well and truly safe to put our Winter items
away. Here are a few simple steps to get you started. I like to do an edit
before I pack my Winter Clothes away so I am not storing more than I have to.
Ask yourself
When was the last Winter I wore an item of
clothing. If it was more than 2 Winters ago it needs to go in the donation pile
Is it clean? Only pack away clean items as
insects love to snack on dead skin cells. So clean everything before you pack
it away. It also stops stains from setting in.
Is it damaged? If so and you want to keep it
then fix it. Don’t wait till Summer as you won’t do it and will be in the too
hard basket. Have it done before you pack it away and then it’s done!
Now for the packing
Pack clothes neatly away in an air-tight container. Insects
will eat through cardboard and fabric containers in seconds. Plastic containers
keep out the smaller pests like moths, cockroaches
Put cedar chips or blocks with lavender sachets in the
container and moth balls if you can stand the smell. The cedar blocks are
available at most storage places and I believe Bunnings.
For us Queenslanders, put some silica crystal packets (the
ones that come in shoe boxes?) into the containers as this should prevent
If you have the room to hang your jackets and coats do so,
if not I suggest fold neatly and if you
have no room than at all then vacuum pack.
Bring on Summer!
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