Thursday, January 6, 2011

Buccellati Cocktail Rings

Rain again today. Not much to do except flick through some magazines. And this is what I found in the current issue (Feb 2011) of Marie Claire. Talk about the Sunshine in my day!

According to the Buccellati Family, the Italian Jewellers behind these one of creations, these rings declare, "I'm special and I'm not afraid to show it!"
The unique range of cocktail rings are based on the style so popular in the 1950's. Featuring a large precious stone surrounded by gems the rings  can be worn on any finger.  Each ring is a unique work of art, created using techniques passed down through the Buccellati family since 1750.

I so want one of these rings! The catch is of course they start at approximately $100 000. I'd be feeling very special and showing everyone just how much!

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