Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Now is the time to be sorting out your wardrobe. It can seem like a daunting task but once you get started it really does feel great. Don't think that it should take a few hours or a day. I take weeks to do mine. The items I'm unsure of getting rid of I will hang up in full view and take time to think about it. I will then decide what I sell on ebay, store or goes to Vinnies. Sometimes I love an item for it's fabric because half the time that's what we pay for, but find I don't wear the item or it doesn't suit my lifestyle. So I take it to my seamstress and have her turn it into a skirt or top or something. 

Below is a Lisa Brown dress which I just love the paisley pattern and colour and fabric but have only worn once. The dress is hanging up at her workroom. Not sure if you can see but it has a drawstring around the waist that just never really sat right on me. Chris my seamstress is turning it into a drawstring skirt for me. She will hem the bottom of the top and that way I have a top aswell. I also did this with 2 Megan Park dresses I bought a number of years ago in a pink and blue. I loved them for the fabric and pattern. I just didn't wear them that much. I had her change them into skirts and I have since worn them numerous times. I will post photos of these skirts with the finish product of the Lisa Brown dress, hopefully this week!!

Enjoy your Wednesday.

Cheers SoniaM

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